Pakshaghata, also known as Hemiplegia, is a neurological disorders and is defined by the inability to move a set of muscles on either the left or right side of the body.
- Loss of strength in the either left or right side of the body
- Loss of speech or slurred speech
- Vomiting
- Disorientation
- Loss of Bowel
- Micturition control
- Hypertension
- Growth in the brain
- stress
- Various injuries
- Ahara and vihara which leads to raktha dusti leading to Vata prakopa
- Relevant blood and radiological investigation
Treatment protocol
- Shirodhara
- Nasyakarma
- Kavalagraha
- Sadyovirechana
- Abhyanga
- Basti karma
- Agni alepa
- Swedana
- Yoga therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Shamana medicine